Small Prints
New Small Print Nr. 114
In the Christmas mail over the past few days, our members received the hot-off-the-press new Small Print No. 114 entitled "Ich kann mir alles vorstellen" (I can imagine everything) by Anna Katharina Hahn. The volume contains Hahn's inaugural speech on the occasion of her appointment as Mainz city writer in 2018. Thematically, she deals with fear in her poetic text: how fear can influence life both negatively and positively and what meaning underlies it. For Hahn, what corresponds from it above all is the capacity of imagination, which is a central aspect for any writer.
The new Small Print has again been lovingly designed with an eye for detail. The typesetting and layout were done by Dr Julia Bangert, and she also contributed to the cover design together with Werner von Bergen and Frank Mittelbach. The "Lettertypen" provided the Small Print with high-quality thread-stitching and printed it on Fedrigoni Arena Rough/Bulk paper on an original Heidelberg Cylinder built in 1954. We wish our members much pleasure with their copy of the new Small Print!
Copies of the new Small Print are available now at a price of €8. Members who wish to purchase additional copies of Small Print 113 in addition to their free complimentary copy will receive a discount; for them the price is only €5. You can easily place orders by phone at 06131/226420, by e-mail to or by using the order form below.
The "Small Prints" are non-periodical publications. Members get the new book for free.
The prices in the clips are for members. Shipping costs extra. For orders please send us the filled out order form to our office.
All available titles of the Gutenberg Society with prices can be found in our complete index.