Dr. Ulf Sölter

Doctorate in art history with museum qualification. Since April 2022 director of the Gutenberg Museum.

Gutenberg´s meaning for me:
The invention of Gutenberg marks a changing point in human history. Information and knowledge can be widely spread. The importance for the history of our social coexistence can not be valued high enough. And: Gutenberg belongs to Mainz! The genius loci is noticeable and everywhere to see.

My Goals:
As the director of the Gutenberg Museum it is my mandate to save and to convey the legacy of Gutenberg. With the planned new building of the Gutenberg Museum, presents a chance to rethink our "World Museum of Print Art" in Mainz and to lead it in a succesfull future.

My target audience:
With an attractive and diverse offer we want to invite all people to visit us in our museum. This are the people from Mainz as well as visitors from germany and other countries. To exite young people for the subject of print art, is a special project of mine.

Why IGS:
The International Gutenberg Society commits itself to the research of the inventions of Gutenberg and has a high reputation for a good reason. It is an honour to contribute as part of the board and presedium of this union.