Herman Hartmut Weyel

Former President and Honorary President of the International Gutenberg Society (1987-2021), Herman-Hartmut Weyel deceased at the age of 88 years

The Presidium and Executive Board of the International Gutenberg Society mourn the death of the former Lord Mayor of the state capital Mainz and its former President and Honorary President Herman-Hartmut Weyel, who passed away on Sunday, 28 November 2021, at the age of 88. 

Born in Prenzlau in 1933, Herman-Hartmut Weyel was a trained administrative lawyer. Before moving into the Mainz City Council in 1969, he worked in the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Justice. In 1979, Weyel then took over the chairmanship of the SPD parliamentary group and was elected Lord Mayor in 1987. 

In his capacity as Lord Mayor, he was also appointed President of the Gutenberg Society by virtue of his office. His meritorious activity, based on a great understanding of the Society's concerns, lasted for 10 years. After completing his term as Lord Mayor and thus as President of the Society, Weyel was elected Honorary President at the 1997 General Members' Meeting. In this capacity he remained an active member of the Board until the end and we thank him for 34 years of untiring commitment and dedication to the aims of the Gutenberg Society. 

Herman-Hartmut Weyel was honoured for his services with the Gutenberg Bust and was a recipient of the Ring of Honour of the City of Mainz. With him, the city of Mainz and the Gutenberg Society have lost a great personality. Our sympathy goes especially to his family and all his relatives. 

Presidium and Board of the International Gutenberg Society

Lord Mayor a.D. since 1997; President of the GG from 1987 to 1997.

Gutenberg's meaning for me:
Only the invention of printing with movable type allowed the unlimited duplication of texts and thus the current development of the media.

My goals:
Above all, I want to work to strengthen the profile of the Gutenberg Society and thus contribute to a significant increase in membership: both prerequisites for greater ideological and material support for the Gutenberg Museum, the World Museum of Printing Art.

My target audience:
Target groups are supporters of all kinds for Gutenberg Society and Museum, especially young people.

Why IGS:
It draws members' attention to important events and exhibitions in various ways and also offers them opportunities to participate.