Markus Kohz
Graphic artist and photographer, self-employed since 1997.
Gutenberg's meaning for me:
Gutenberg has created basics, not only for printers, but also for my profession as a commercial artist. Of course, especially in the recent past, the type of work has changed a lot, but many of the principles developed at that time are still valid today. In addition, Gutenberg's innovative strength and the quality of his work continue to serve as role models.
My goals:
The International Gutenberg Society was closely associated with the Gutenberg Museum right from its inception. The museum's ideational and material support is still enshrined in its statutes. The greater the number of members of the International Gutenberg Society, the more successful this support for the Gutenberg Museum can be. Therefore, my commitment is to counter the downward trend in membership numbers by increasing the attractiveness of the Society. To this end, I would like to develop strategies with the board of directors and management and implement them successfully.
My target audience:
I do not have clearly defined target groups. In my opinion, there are a number of people who could become members of the International Gutenberg Society for a variety of reasons. I see it as my task to reach and inspire these people.
Why IGS:
So that research into books and printing and the preservation of historical treasures can continue in the form of support for the Gutenberg Museum. These are by no means just backward-looking or even outdated tasks, but serve as a basis for our future understanding of communication.