Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Krausch

President of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)

Gutenberg's meaning for me:
The University of Mainz was founded in Gutenberg's time in 1477 and reopened after a 150-year break as Johannes Gutenberg University. It is committed to the model and international claim of its namesake to this day: Promote and implement innovative ideas, use knowledge to improve the living conditions of people and their access to education and science.

My goals:
As part of the application for the title "City of Science 2011", I was able to experience how science and the city grow together even more closely. With its diversity, density and outstanding level of knowledge-based facilities, Mainz has a well-developed media profile in science and practice. I would like to exploit this potential for the goals of the Gutenberg Society and thus help to shape the path we have already begun into the next century of existence.

My target audience:
Make the reciprocal reference to the name giver usable in order to familiarize the traditional Gutenberg Society and its goals with students and scientists of the respective subjects.

Why IGS:
As a scientific association, the Gutenberg Society repeatedly addresses the close interrelation between the history of science and book history. Museum and science, the city and the region benefit from the worldwide reputation of society and its international scientific exchange.