Karl Michael Meinecke
Qualified typesetter, designer, graduate engineer (HdM).
Gutenberg's meaning for me:
Person of the millennium (man);
Initial spark for mass communication, dissemination of knowledge, education of broad sections of the population, impulses for the Renaissance, Enlightenment, Reformation, etc..
My goals:
Promotion of knowledge about the importance of the art of printing.
Promotion of cooperations with related organisations (e.g. tgm Typographic Society Munich, bvdm Berlin).
Support of the IGG and the Gutenberg Museum in the realisation of new projects and plans.
My target audience:
Young people and people of all ages whose interest can be aroused or further developed in the art of printing, printmaking, cultural history, technical history, publishing, etc.
Why IGS:
I have been a member of the International Gutenberg Society since 1983 and have been a member of our family (printers) since the 1950s.
The goals and activities of the IGG are of particular concern to me, both professionally and beyond.